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Transcript : Episode 9
Everybody welcome to the here we go again a father daughter podcast my name is Eddie and my name is GG
And we are here with episode number nine
We think that number is right. I’m pretty sure it is I’m pretty sure
So if you’ve been here for all night of our recent episodes, we appreciate you
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you very much keep telling your friends and don’t forget we have millions and millions of followers
Just do that every single time just make sure you’re one of them
Make sure you’re one of them. GG stole that for her. You said it on the last podcast, didn’t you?
Yeah, I think so. Yeah, how you stole that tagline for your
Report, yeah, and you got a comment was I loved your your tagline
Now when she listens to the podcast she’s gonna know you stole it
Oh, no, yeah, and she is listening to the podcast now
Yeah, all right
Well, we’re getting closer and closer to the holidays everybody so if you’re not ready get ready
Yeah, I’m a super excited for
I don’t know Thanksgiving or Christmas Christmas Christmas. I’m excited for all of it
We’re preparing right now for Thanksgiving
We’re having it at our house. It was a little last minute, but that’s totally okay very last minute because our house is
Christmas out and no Thanksgiving. Yeah, and we’re not gonna have Thanksgiving so we’re gonna have a
Thanksgiving decorations. We’re gonna have a very Christmassy
Thanksgiving. Yeah, but I’m okay with that favorite holiday is by far Christmas
It’s not just because of the presents. I just love the atmosphere of Christmas
Me too me too. It was like really happy. It makes me happy the decorations the lights. It’s like it’s beautiful
Yeah, and homework’s on
Nana’s favorite channel hallmark. Yeah, I wonder if anybody else in general listens to or watches hallmark like Nana does
Yeah, like she’s like it’s all on all the time. It’s the only channel like if she can shut everything down and pay for one channel
She paid 399 a month for hallmark probably yep, and that would be it and she would be totally happy. I don’t hate on it
I like it. I like it. Do you like hallmark shows? Yeah, that’s cute. I mean I grew up with it. So like I can’t hate on it
That’s true that yeah, that’s a that’s a solid point right there. I can’t argue that yeah
So one of the things that I wanted to talk about today was um, we were supposed to talk about
I had a little voice break. Did you hear that? I know but it’s just something
You were about to say something to me
What little puberty moment there
We were supposed to talk about
Christmas movies. I’m gonna shelf that idea for now. I just want to have a conversation with Jeannie
I forgot your name. Jeannie
I’m Jeannie. Yeah, I just want to have a conversation with Jeannie and go back to our roots the very first podcast episodes that were recorded
We’re just her and I having a conversation with each other and those are very important
And I think it’s more relatable to people to listen to us have a conversation because
They may be going through some of the same stuff we’re going through yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah
And the thing that we’re going through right now is cleaning the house
Yep, yep, but it’s not just cleaning the house
Because we’re taking it way too far and we are deep cleaning the house
We are consolidating. We are throwing out. We are repurposing
What else are we doing?
Downsizing we’re finding a bunch of random things. You never knew you had
Yeah, yeah, we’re basically hitting all the nicks and crannies of the home and doing a nice deep clean
And there’s nothing better than getting ready for a big adventure house and deciding to take on another project right before
So the laundry room is tossed out right now
Mom decided to start cleaning out
The cupboards underneath the coffee machines
So those are still on the kitchen floor
There’s laundry piles they need to get put away and washed
You can’t walk through our hallway and what else is there we’ve got um my bathroom is clean your bathroom is clean
But we have the mess of everything outside of your door
Yeah, yeah, also has decided to yeah the hall that’s right
If you just also decided to downsize
We can’t even walk through it now because there’s a bunch of stuff we have to go through yeah a lot
So cleaning the house to this level is a beautiful thing and a miserable thing at the same time
Yep, what is your favorite thing about cleaning the house if you have one at all
Like my favorite cleaning job or like just didn’t do you enjoy cleaning
Yeah, I like depends honestly like I like how you’ve been cleaning lately because it’s like a really relaxing
Like there’s no rush to it at all just clean
This is very hard for me to clean that way
I have to take like several deep breaths in order for this to happen because I tend to
To get things done. This is a general admission of who I am
When I clean and I have this big
Agenda that I’m trying to get through
I want everybody to get through it right now with me and let’s go go go go go
Yeah, and I’m like, okay, I woke up this morning. I’m like, you know what? I’m gonna chill
I’m not gonna stress your chill guy. We’re gonna get it done trying to be mr. Cool, right
Cool as a cool as an Eskimo in the wintertime
That’s a weird look you’re giving me
The heck but no, but seriously like I stress over cleaning the house because
We’re at the phase right now where you have to make a mess to make it clean
This is the most difficult part of any cleaning project ever
Yeah, cuz like at the end it’s worth it but to begin not like or during the process
It’s miserable and you see pictures posted online all the time
Of people like sitting in the middle of a bunch of boxes and clothes
Just stressed out ready to quit and I feel that all the time when you do that big major clean
It’s just so much work and so overwhelming
And especially with us. I mean we’ve been living in this house for a long time
We’ve accumulated a lot of stuff over the years
And it just keeps you know getting more and more things yeah and
letting go of everything can be difficult at times
Or it can be easy at times now me personally. I don’t know what it’s like in other people’s households
But I will throw everything in the back of the truck right now and head straight to the dump. Yeah
Okay, so like I said you know, I can see something real quick. What?
So back to like when you’re asking me if I enjoy the cleaning
Okay, so something I remembered was when I was little
like before we we did our house
It will be like on the Saturday and the morning with
Mexican music on full blast and we all be cleaning
Yeah, we did that actually quite a bit and that’s how jeez you would wake up she’d wake up to typically like
really loud
Vincent they for a nannas playing in the background
And the smell of bacon a lot of times
And that she would wake up and she would just know okay, it’s time for breakfast and it’s time to clean
Okay, so you know what I did
Okay, so what I did is
I hear that music right and I know I know what I meant, right?
Oh, yeah, that’s that’s a signal that’s like a the bat signal for cleaning supplies
So what I did was I like honestly
So honestly, I like wait like a while before I went back downstairs. Oh, you’re avoiding the clean
I was I did that for a long time too
I’m not surprised. I mean, I probably would too and
Fortunately enough for you you have an upstairs bedroom in the farthest corner of the house
So you do get to hide out a little bit more than the average person. Yeah
Yeah, I think just hide in my closet
Yeah, have you ever hidden your closet before? Yeah
Really? Yeah
From what? I don’t know from me. Yeah
Or like if I’m like cleaning and I want a break, I’ll just like just sit in there
What job do you hate the most for cleaning?
I don’t know what like
Because like sometimes I’ll just be in the zone for cleaning and I just don’t hate anything. I hate dishes
Oh, I don’t actually always hated dishes always
I don’t like dishes but with the gloves it makes my hands soft after
So I can’t hate that if you if there’s something that you like run with it for sure
But for me like I’ll do dishes and I do use a dishwasher
I know some people in some households are very divided
Some houses use the dishwasher some houses don’t
My wife does not use the dishwasher. I definitely do
I don’t know how to or yeah, I do both
Yeah, I’ll help you load it because I just don’t see the point of
Doing it by hand if you don’t have to
Our dishwasher works perfectly fine
I didn’t grow up with the dishwasher though
The only dishwashers were our hands
And then like my parents ironically they have a did you know that they have a dishwasher in their house right now?
They do you’ve never seen it right?
I don’t think so
So you actually see it every day. Oh is it that oh I see that I see that I know this is that little black box looking thing in the corner of the kitchen
Yeah, I know it is
But the funny thing is if you try to open it it doesn’t open
Because it’s there’s like something in the way
So it doesn’t even open all the way
What yeah, what next time you go down there just when you go down to tomorrow
Just ask Nana for it so if you can open the dishwasher won’t even open
I’ve never seen that thing in use I didn’t know what was what they did or how they worked or anything until we got our own
Then I had to teach myself how to use it really yeah, so yeah dishwasher
I never liked washing dishes now your oppa at one of his jobs when he was a kid
He was a professional dishwasher
Really yeah at a restaurant he had a job and he washed the dishes
Brass and he caught they call themselves Pearl Divers
You know the Pearl Divers? No
Okay, so it’s like it’s an actual diver and so they go underwater like they’re scooping and they’re looking for
Like shells with the pearl in the middle yeah, I know that’s we were learning about that in science
Product pearls or yeah, yeah, we were I think I I pay attention I pay attention
It was like about I don’t know what they’re called
Um, where you find a pros in what are those things called so oysters?
Yeah oysters oysters. Yeah, I think
But like sometimes you can like force the pearl like to make it
What do you mean like they put some I don’t know what it is, but they put something
Like into the oyster and I keep it out of the humans do yeah, they force it yeah, and then they sell it yeah
Interesting I was like wow did you know so you I don’t know what you know about diamonds
You know what a diamond is obviously well, yeah
So do you know that there’s something called a lab grown diamond?
Do you know the movement?
Wait, what?
Who said do you know? Oh, but do you know the lab lab grown diamond is
No, so a lab grown diamond is exactly what it sounds like
So most diamonds are formed by mother nature
And like caves or wherever they find them out I don’t I’m not far from a diamond expert
Unfortunately for me your mother’s birthday is in April
And the birthstone of April is a diamond oh, you’re a click
Earlier how you sang with your little yeah back in my day back in my day
Yeah back in my day. I didn’t grow up with the uh, I did not grow up with a dishwasher
Yeah, I just had to put that in there. Yeah, yeah, because we had a whole episode without a back in my day
No, we threw it in at the end. Yeah, yeah, I mean, it’s cut in it close. Yeah
But anyways lab grown diamonds are diamonds that are actually grown in a lab
How do you do that? Oh, is it like a rock?
But like really shite um, you call it it’s an actual diamond like like if I take a you know they have those diamond testers
I’m sure you’ve seen videos yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
So they take those diamond testers and I check to see if they’re real or not
Mm-hmm these will pass the diamond test really are they real or so that’s where the debate is at
But technically speaking on a scientific level
They are the exact same quality of a diamond really? They match diamonds 100%
The only difference is they’re not mined
They’re lab grown their man-made diamonds
Was that even possible?
There’s a lot of stuff that we can do and if you want to go down the road of conspiracy theories
No, no, no
Some people claim that we can even control the weather
Cro-way? Yeah, you haven’t heard these either
Like when you need her
No, that’s just me being old or like your mom can predict the weather because it’s about to rain and
Her knee starts to hurt
That’s your mom, but like you guys get it right
That or you guys like look at the weather in the morning
No, your mom your mom has a special power for real
She’ll be sitting down. She’s like I think it’s gonna rain soon
Because my knees are starting to hurt. Yeah, I don’t know where yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, and then all of a sudden
It starts raining. It’ll just start raining or we’ll check the weather and be like oh, yeah
It’s gonna rain tomorrow. It’s that’s the weirdest thing ever
But you know, she’s not the only person that can do that
It’s like this weird secret power that people have what the heck yeah, I don’t know what you say it’s not really you know
I don’t know what you can do with it, but I guess it’s handy. Yeah
My knees hurt just because of my age and it’s just yeah, all the right get the hey, hey easy we can tell easy
I don’t remember how we got down a topic of lab grown diamonds. What was I going with that?
Because the pearls the pearls right
The pearls are forced by some type of chemical reaction
To create a pearl
And then we have diamonds that are a force chemical reaction to make a diamond
So in your opinion is a lab grown diamond any better than an actual diamond found in a cave
I think the cave one day better
Why? Because you got to work for them. Okay, so there’s a whole history to that of diamonds too
But we won’t go down that road because that’s a dark road
But I don’t want it too late. I don’t know. Thank you
But to your point
There is a big thing going on within the diamond industry and it is a fight over
Real quote unquote real diamonds and lab grown diamonds
And lab grown diamonds are sold at a fraction of the price of
Earth made diamonds
So if your earth made diamond goes for to say $10,000 your lab grown equivalent the same thing is going for about a thousand bucks
Wow and your lab grown diamonds are perfect
Mm-hmm, so another thing if you didn’t know this about diamonds there’s qualities
There’s different levels to them. Yeah, so there’s perfection levels and there’s clarity levels
Meaning if you look at a diamond under a microscope
But I’m on break in a learning right now. Huh?
I’m on break and I’m learning right now. Oh, this is quick you can see imperfections inside a diamond
They have like those big magnifying glass things
And you can see like little pepper inside of it. Okay, and that’s like the quality and the perfection of it
So obviously the better the quality
The more expensive the diamond. Yeah, that makes sense your lab grown diamonds. They’re perfect in their cheap. Yes
Okay, maybe
Maybe I’m certain like these ones instead. I you know personally in my opinion. I don’t really see
A viable difference that says ones better than the other
Except for the price except for the price and the quality. Yeah, like if you’re gonna tell me that I can get
One of these diamonds for a fraction of the price and 10 times better quality
I don’t know it seems like a good deal to me. Yeah, because if you put it under the test
It passes every one of them. Yeah
So you think if I bought your mom
Lab-grown diamonds. No
Why? Because
She deserves a real one
Well, what’s what makes it real
People going under and the people breaking their back form. Yeah, so if I took the diamonds
Side by side. Oh find out if it’s real or not. How will you find out? Because I’m gonna call people you got it from
Interesting pouch karma interesting viewpoint though is her ring
Nothing she owns is fake
Your fake
No, but no, I’m just saying like is there really a wrong purchase?
I wonder how many people agree with you like me
I’m kind of in the middle like I think there is something to there being
You know the expensive quality of an earth-grown diamond. Okay, that’s cool
But there’s also something to having this big beautiful
Perfect clarity diamond that still passes all the same test. Yeah. I mean, which would you rather have?
The perfect one the perfect one
Maybe yeah, because is it because of the price tag
If somebody buys you a diamond, right? Would you think oh they spent a hundred thousand dollars on it? This is great
I don’t think that like oh, that’s nice like what’s it? What’s it matter
The price to me is all relative
What’s it matter how much like you shouldn’t like when I buy your mom something
I don’t tell her how much it costs
But she finds out well of course because there’s only so many ways to hide things from each other
- Use a cash, doh.
- And do what?
Pull it out of the bank, doh. - And then she’s gonna see the withdrawal?
- Pull out extra money.
- Ha ha ha.
Oh. Make it look like it’s even more. - Yeah yeah yeah yeah.
- It’s gonna make it even worse.
So your mom and I are a point in our relationship,
where, well, you don’t really buy things so much for each other anymore?
Because we’ve been together for over 20 years. - Mom just gives you, mom just gives you cards.
But just cards, like there’s nothing really in it.
(laughing) - Mom does have a habit, but that’s okay.
She’s very busy, and I like to give her a hard time about it.
But we’re, your mom and I are truly best friends.
We’re always with each other.
We don’t go shopping without each other.
It’s very hard to do anything behind each other’s back. - Mom always go shopping with you,
’cause you don’t know how to shop. - Well, that’s true too, and I’m okay with that.
I wanna go shopping, I wanna go to American Eagle. - What’s that American Eagle?
Just like shorts and pants and stuff? - Bro, are you being for you?
(laughing) - What do you want?
- I really, okay, so my grandma,
she used to like buy me everything from American Eagle,
and I was like, okay, okay,
no offense on that, I love you,
but like the things you bought me there were like, bro.
So I thought it looked like a really bad store, right?
And then when I went in there myself,
I was like, okay, this is my store.
Really, so the stuff that Nana bought you,
you weren’t a fan of,
well, okay, hold on, let me say that differently.
You didn’t think it was a great store
because of the stuff that Nana bought? - Yeah, because like, all the,
the only thing she bought me there was like these hoodies,
but all it said was like, American Eagle,
and had an eagle on it. - Oh yeah, you had a few of those.
- Yeah, but like it was really basic,
and that was literally it.
So I was thinking like, oh, okay,
so it’s like like a really basic store. - You know what though to be fair,
you were got to be one of the hardest people to shop for,
and the history of America. - I don’t really have like a taste, that’s why.
- She is everywhere, totally all over the map.
Like, I don’t, I won’t shop for you. - You should have.
(laughing) - Your mom, what is that like number four?
- Yeah. – At least.
- Probably.
- Your mom has a hard time shopping for you.
- Yeah, I don’t have a taste.
I don’t, I don’t like, I like things.
I just don’t know what I like. - I like things.
I just don’t know what I like. - I like everything.
Like my room, I don’t know what thing I want,
I want everything. - Man, this kid is driving me crazy with her room.
We just redid her room in a summertime. - Okay, we didn’t redo it, you just painted it and made it look good.
You didn’t like decorate it or anything. - I painted it.
- I got in the bed because I was falling off my old one.
- You got an entire new bed set.
- Yeah, that’s like not like the look though.
Well, I don’t know, but like that,
it doesn’t have a theme to it, you know? - It does, I’ll admit that it doesn’t have a theme,
but I left it in her hands,
just like it’s difficult to shop for her.
It’s difficult to do anything to prepare a room for her. - Oh, ’cause I don’t, like, I don’t know
because like, I guess when I find the perfect room theme,
like I’m gonna like like my old room. - I think you’re a lot like your old man, me,
meaning that you’re never going to find what you’re looking for. - Yeah, because like my old room theme,
you did it so I had a theme for it and like,
I did my room. – I did your room. - It was a princess pink color, I guess it’d be fair.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah. – Right?
Princess pink and cream,
vanity, cream, not vanity dresser.
Everything was like an old antique-ish white
off-white cream color, but it looked nice. - It didn’t, and it had a theme.
- And had a theme and it,
I didn’t even have to buy you the bed set.
It was a gift from a friend of ours. - Yeah.
- Family friend said, “Hey, I’m giving this to your daughter,
beautiful bed set, so very fortunate for that.” - Yeah, but like, the color and my room, it set a theme.
And like my room now, it just gray. - But you wanted gray.
- I know, I like it.
So what’s the white gray? - What’s the problem then?
- I don’t, ’cause it doesn’t sort of,
it doesn’t sort of theme. – You’re stuttering
because your brain’s trying to figure out. - I’m stuttering, come tired.
- No, your brain’s literally trying to figure out
what the issue is, it’s 10.50 at night. - Yeah, maybe that’s why. – Maybe that’s why.
- No, but look, you’re not an opa.
My mom and dad will tell you that they would go
and I would look at something and I’d be like,
you know what, I don’t like that anymore.
At your age and I’d move around the house furniture
and your mom, your mom, my mom would come home,
your Nana and she would wanna like smack me
with all the furniture that I moved. - Mom, does that too?
- Yeah, yeah, my wife, I do it to her too.
I’m just looking at stuff and I’m like,
“No, I don’t think that belongs there anymore.”
So I just started changing stuff around the house
and she comes home and she’s like,
where is it?
Where did she put it? - I don’t know, I have a thing for never just things
being the way I want them. - That’s what I do with that one,
like what’s it called?
Little storage thing that’s in the hallway right now. - Oh, the cubby?
- Yeah, that’s what I do with the cubby
’cause it’s like a two piece, right?
And like I just always make it look different. - Yeah, and I do like furniture like that.
So what she’s talking about, it’s like a six or nine,
or like a nine whole cubby system that we have.
And it’s been in almost every room of the house for sure
and she had a bunch of things on it.
What are those Funko pops and– - Just bunch of random things.
- A bunch of random things that she’s holding onto
for whatever reason and that’s fine.
I think she’s starting to get to the point now where– - What’s the point of having them?
- Yeah, she’s sitting there.
- And which is what we talked about in an earlier podcast
about that model car that she wanted. - Yeah.
- And I’m like, it’s just gonna collect dust and–
- Okay, without security, that would have sent me
for my room, but like– - What theme is that model car gonna set?
- A color, duh.
- It’s red.
- It’s pink.
- Was it pink?
- Yeah.
- I just painted your room away from pink.
- You know.
- If you yawning one more time
on a pop you at that microphone. - Oh, good a y’all.
It’s 11 o’clock. - So let’s go back to the beginning of the conversation.
- I’m a chopped up who is in the shade.
- Glad you know that song, by the way.
- No song was playing.
- So is there a chore that she absolutely don’t like?
- No.
- I know when you’re a little,
and I don’t know if maybe it’s still your favorite chore,
but your favorite chore was– - Still is.
- I think– – All polishing?
- Yeah.
- Yeah, she loves to polish the house.
Can a pledge and some paper towels?
Cut loose. - Or you know what I love is like,
when you work so hard and you know,
like almost done cleaning and like getting the last few parts,
it feels so good. - That satisfaction of I did this.
- Yeah, ’cause I’m not spending my bathroom yesterday.
And like, I only had a little bit left
and I was doing like the last part of it.
I was like, well, this feels so good.
Just like right there. - Yeah, I had a hard time today because I had a bunch of stuff
from all different rooms in the house that I collected
and I just put it in a box.
I took that box downstairs and I’m looking at it like,
what is all this?
Just stuff.
I don’t know how to do with it.
So I started kind of saying who wants what,
whatever we’re gonna keep, what are we gonna get rid of?
And then Gigi followed suit.
She’s like, yeah, I don’t know what I’m gonna do
with all this stuff.
I don’t know even if I wanted or not.
So some stuff we chucked out, some stuff we kept.
And that kind of reminded me of that Marie Condo.
So that was introduced to me by my Nina, my godmother.
And Marie Condo is this lady who helps people
to declutter their homes. - Yeah, yeah.
- What she does is she makes you ask questions of whether
it adds value to your home.
Is it something that you’re still gonna use?
And if you’re done with it, you tell it goodbye, right?
Isn’t that the thing? - I don’t know.
- Yeah, I don’t think you know it that well.
But I think there’s a point where you think it for being,
yeah, ’cause your mom does that, right?
Jokingly, she would be like, thank you.
And then you have to turn it over. - Oh yeah, yeah, yeah.
- Right?
- She would be like, oh, the day I think.
‘Cause I say thank you.
And then we throw it away. - Yeah.
- So we’re at that point.
But this part of the cleaning process to me
is the absolute hardest.
‘Cause once again, if we’re up to me,
I would throw everything away.
I would throw everything away so much of the point
that when my wife sees me with a trash bag
and it did not come out of the trash can,
her eyes go up immediately.
And she wants to know what’s inside of it.
Every single time.
And so I make sure I put like food and stuff in there
and I say, I’m just kidding, I don’t do that.
The Gigi’s staring at me like,
do you really do that?
I don’t do that.
But I have been known to throw a bunch of stuff away
as my point. - Uh huh.
- So now we are, Gigi’s doing the same thing,
but these are skills that I hope she can hang on to early
of getting rid of stuff at her early age.
‘Cause it’s so easy to hold on to clutter. - Yeah, it is.
Growing up, Gigi had tons of toys, like literally everything. - I had a toy room.
What do you expect?
I’m gonna have a lot of toys. - Yeah, but so we read articles back in the day
that said. - Back in my day.
- Back in, no, so it was back, actually this is back in your day.
- I’m 12, there’s back in my day.
- It was back in your day.
- Yes, today or like, we’re talking.
- Like, like 10 years ago back in your day.
That’s a whole decade, you know that, right? - That’s not a back in my day, but I’m not.
- decade.
- If I don’t remember, it’s not a back in my day.
- That is a whole 10 years, dude.
10 years.
So check it out.
They said that kids that have too many toys
or too many options get confused
and become overstimulated and overwhelmed with decisions. - What?
- Does that make sense to you though?
- Yeah, I mean, that’s me.
So she had this big toy room and I can’t even tell you
how many weekends I’ve spent cleaning this thing
from top to bottom. - Yeah, now it’s Penny’s room.
- Because it was just so much stuff.
It is Penny’s room now.
And another example, oh, to go back to that,
she would always play with the same things over and over again. - Yeah.
- You would play with your Barbies,
you would play with your play sets,
like you talked about in the last episode. - Yeah.
- And a few other things and that was it.
But you had a billion in one toys.
So I would slowly over literal years
take things out of your room. - Are you serious?
(laughs) - Slowly but surely I would creep things out of your room.
Oh yeah. - That makes sense ’cause sometimes I couldn’t find things
I’d just give up.
(laughs) - Did you really?
- Yeah, I’m pretty sure.
- Yeah, no, I definitely slowly took stuff out of that room
to get it to where it’s at today. - How many toys anymore?
- Well, you gave ’em up the rest.
- Yeah.
- But I took out, like,
’cause when you have that band and you pull it out
and it’s just like a thousand little naked toys,
no Barbies with no clothes on,
toys missing an arm and a leg. - Hey, I never did that.
I love my toys too much.
I cut their hair. - You did cut their hair and it’s better than cutting your own hair.
But yeah, I slowly– - I tried to store it when I was a little more.
- When you cut your own hair?
- And I blamed them, I’m one adult.
I said, I cut her hair. - Wait, you said the Moana doll cut your hair.
- No, I did, I said I cut her hair.
- But then how did that explain how your hair was cut?
- I cut my hair and I said,
oh, I was cutting the Moana doll’s hair. - And it just happened to be yours, my accident?
- Yeah.
- I don’t know, you were like eight or less,
so who knows? - I was not a, I was younger than that.
- Were you?
I think almost all of your,
my cousins around your age are younger, obviously younger,
did that too, where they cut their own hair. - Really?
- I think they all got caught cutting their own hair.
- Really?
- Yeah, just like–
- The thing is that like my hair is not like the one is hair,
so like how– - I don’t know, you–
- What was I thinking?
- Your brain was, you just got caught,
you just blamed it on the toy.
That’s what you did. - Like, I don’t even–
- Yeah, nobody knows.
- We knew what you did.
Your mom told me immediately that you finally cut your own hair.
She was waiting for it. - Really?
What the heck? - Yeah, she knew that that was gonna happen eventually.
- That’s weird.
- So going back to having all the toys, right?
So Penny, we bought Penny this huge play pen.
I mean, it was like, I say was,
’cause I just tore it down. - The wrestling–
- Yeah, look like a wrestling ring, right?
- Yeah.
- Like a corral or what, it’s huge.
- Yeah.
- So I took it down,
but we put it in the living room. - Can I put it in my room if you’re not in the room?
- It will not fit in your room.
It is a room.
It’s huge. - On the side of my bed, I can make room.
- No.
- So–
- I can put it in my closet.
- We bought this huge play pen for Penny,
because we thought she would use it. - I’ll use it, okay?
- She did not ever use it.
She would only use it one of us was in it,
and then after a while she wanted to get out. - Yeah, or she just like, booty’s good out of it.
- Yeah, she would booty’s good out of there.
So– - Or she’d try unzipping it.
- Right, yeah, she just was not a fan.
And all that I wanted to doing was holding stuff.
It turned into a place where we would just
throw Penny’s things into,
and it just turned into like one giant box of a mess. - Yeah.
- So we finally got rid of the play pen the other day,
and I put just a few toys there now.
She plays with them. - Who me?
- No Penny.
- No, you said she plays with them,
and you pointed at me, it was like– - Yeah, I’m talking with my hands as we’re talking,
but Penny plays with those toys now.
Have you noticed that? - No.
- I told you this today, she was scooting all around the house
with the car. – Yeah, I told me. - Yeah, so she’s got like maybe 10 or less toys
over there now.
The other toys I stuffed in the laundry room got him
out of the way. - Yeah.
- And now she seems like she wants to play
with her toys more often. - Yeah.
Like last year, remember when I used to have like some dolls,
like only like a tiny little box, right? - Tiny little box of dolls in your room?
- Yeah.
- The bin.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- I was like a little bit, right?
- Yeah.
- Like I never actually played with them,
but like every time my cousins was come over,
we like cut their hair or like be like, I don’t know.
‘Cause like when we were little,
we used to like have these random stories,
and like we remember them,
so we like, we like reenact them.
It was funny. – Were the toys? - Yeah.
- That’s fun.
- Like of how we used to put them
in your little, and it was funny. - You guys would play toys all day long.
- Yeah.
- I missed that part.
- Yeah.
- And me, my friends, like we play hair salon.
- When you were little, do you remember leg wrestling?
- Yeah.
- You remember that?
- Mm-hmm.
- I don’t know where we got that from,
but Gigi and I would leg wrestle, not arm wrestle,
but we would lock legs and wrestle each other’s legs
down to the floor. - Yeah.
- That was fun.
- Or like I’d be laying down and you’d get me
a headlock with his legs.
(laughs) - I would never.
- That hurt!
- I would never do that to you.
Come on. - Yeah, her and I would just be watching TV.
(laughs) - I have no idea what you’re talking about.
That sounds crazy. - I was probably just sitting on the floor
and just putting me in a headlock.
(laughs) - Man, there’s so many times that when you’re a little,
that would just make you so upset.
And honestly, it was like so easy to do.
I remember I was talking to Lonnie one time
and I was sharing stories in the car with him
as we were going to one of our jobs.
And his favorite story of you by far
is when you got mad at me
because you couldn’t beat me in arm wrestling.
You don’t remember that? - Me losing?
- No.
- Yeah.
- Nah.
- You don’t remember that?
- No.
- You were like, it’s your 12 now.
- You’ve got.
- Yeah, and you really are bad at math.
- No, I’m trying to think how far back this was
because this has got to be at least like six years ago,
five or six years ago.
That means you’re like sometimes between like six and seven years old.
So you’re, yeah, you’re a little.
And then we would arm wrestle all the time.
And then one day we were playing around
and he got so mad at me because he couldn’t beat me. - Me losing against you, never.
- And like I would let you win sometimes.
And then this time I was just like, you know,
I was playing along and you got so mad.
So I did the only fatherly thing that I knew how to do.
And that was to just laugh even more.
(laughs) - I’m so mean, not evil.
- No, it was funny.
It was honestly funny.
If it was penny, you would have laughed. - Yeah.
- ‘Cause you were getting so upset because your face was like red
and your eyes were like, they were devious.
Like you did not understand how you weren’t winning. - It was really?
- Yeah, you totally meant it.
You totally meant it.
Everything about your body language
and your everything was just like rage.
You were totally raging out because you couldn’t beat me. - I was crashing out.
- Yeah, you were, you were crashing out.
100% for sure. - Really?
- Yeah, so the next day I remember I was in the car
and I was telling Lonnie about it
and he just couldn’t stop laughing the whole way up. - You know, they’re so mean.
- I think it was like a, probably like an hour drive.
We’re still laughing about it. - Guys were evil.
- But that’s, you know, that’s part of the thing
like penny, right?
She gets mad at getting even the things that she wants. - Me kissing her.
Bro, okay, so I was about to go upstairs, right?
And she wasn’t gonna bed soon.
So I gave her a kiss and then she slapped me. - When was that?
- Today.
- Like just a little while ago?
- Yes.
I didn’t even, kiss her yet.
She just pushed me away. - I tell Gigi all the time,
Gigi has it in her head
that she gets to mess with her sister
because it is her sister. - I understand the concept.
Okay, I get it. - She’s a sister, you like messing around
and it gives you something to fight with. - Yeah, it’s fun.
- She’s too young.
She’s too young.
And you’re teaching her these things
and she only fights with Gigi.
(Gigi laughs)
And then Gigi gets mad because she only fights with her. - Well she has to know when to fight
and when not to, like, let’s be around. - Bro, she is just over one.
- Oh no, we’re not using months, huh?
- Yeah, I don’t feel like it’s roasted over that.
- Yeah.
- I was never a fan of months before
but now I understand again. - I don’t like it.
She’s one. - She’s not one.
- She is.
- She’s older than one.
- She’s two, like.
- She’s not two.
- So what if a little kid asks how well she is?
- I would say one.
- Exactly.
- But you’re not–
- Just keep it out like that.
- You’re not a little kid though.
- Okay.
- So I’m giving you more respect
by giving you that multiple age.
That’s what I’m doing though, like,
’cause there’s different levels of development, right?
There’s a different 20 year and a year and a half.
There’s many different phases of growing up
between those time periods. - You’re in a half, sounds like little kid.
Like, yeah, I’m seven and a half. - A year and a half is a little kid.
- I’m seven and a half, yeah.
I’m seven and a half years old. - Well, how old are you?
- 12.
- You won’t be 12 and a half this year?
- I don’t know.
Never thought of that.
I haven’t thought of that in years. - Yeah, except last time.
- What do you mean?
- Every time I’m going to be close to your birthday,
and you’re like, oh no, I’m 11 and a half.
I’m basically 12.
My birthday is only a month away.
I’m basically 12. - That’s not saying, oh yeah, it’s gonna ask you,
how old are you?
I’m 12 and a half. - I have somebody ask me how old I was, I would say 25.
- Nobody believes that, which is–
- ‘Cause I look like a young 25 year old movie star.
- Yeah.
- Obviously.
- Who’s on drugs?
(laughs) - Wow.
I don’t even know how I feel about that, but okay.
That just happened. - Well, you know what I’m like 20.
- I said 25.
- You don’t like that either.
- Whatever.
You don’t look a day over 43. - Well, that’s what I think is like that, but I say–
- I got you first.
- You don’t look a day over 60.
(laughs) - Got you first.
I’m ready for Thanksgiving to be here. - I’m ready for Christmas.
We got a Uno, your mom bought a Uno.
Did you see the Uno set?
The she bought it? - Mm-hmm.
- So I’ve never played this version of Uno.
Maybe it’s the same thing as just more cars,
but it’s like for 12 or more players, I think.
So it’s just gonna be like giant, giant war. - We can do a lot of regular Uno.
There’s a lot of cards. - I know, but this one’s like made for a bunch of people.
- Really?
They’re like two stacks in a regular Uno. - Yeah, like I said, I have an openness box.
I don’t know anything about it,
but apparently this one has more cars.
Probably different roles, maybe.
Maybe different types of cards. - Maybe, I like you with no flip.
- Uno flips fun.
It’s, I mean, basically it’s Uno,
but it just switches it up every once in a while. - Yeah, I like it.
Because like you could see the worst cards sometimes. - That’s just called cheating.
- It’s not though, it’s the back of the card,
so you could see it’s for everybody to see. - How many times do you think you’ve raged out
because you’ve lost in Uno? - I never lose in Uno.
- I don’t.
- I don’t.
- I mean, I can say he’s a bed crying tonight
if you really wanted to go there. - Oh, look at the way it goes.
What? - Yawning.
- Yawning.
- Can you please stop Yawning?
(sighs) - Oh, everybody else is just as annoyed as I am.
(yawning) - Another Yawning.
- I’m not sure if I’m gonna be able to see
what I’m gonna do. - I’m not sure if I’m gonna be able to see
what I’m gonna do. - I’m not sure if I’m gonna be able to see
what I’m gonna do. - I’m not sure if I’m gonna be able to see
what I’m gonna do. - Another Yawning.
- Huh?
(laughs) - What?
- Are you gonna cook for Thanksgiving?
- No, I’ll wash your cook.
- Why don’t you cook?
- It’s a lot of work.
- Do you wanna cook?
Do you wanna learn how to cook? - It can make eggs and waffles.
- Not like for real though.
Do you wanna learn how to cook?
Is that something that you wanna if you get it? - No.
I wanna burn water.
That’s funny.
Like thinking about how I could burn water.
That’s funny.
You can’t burn water. - Yes you can.
- No you can’t.
- You don’t know that?
- I kind of do.
- Can you burn ice?
Yes you can. - You can’t burn ice.
- Yep.
- Says who?
- Says me.
Obviously I just said it.
(laughs) - You really don’t wanna learn how to cook?
- I don’t know.
Maybe. - I really enjoy cooking.
I wish I had more time to cook more often.
I used to cook a lot more.
And cooking to me brings peace. - How?
- It’s a, you can’t-
- My peace is sleeping.
- Yes.
Gigi slept for like 16 hours the other day. - I loved it.
- That’s a new personal record for her.
- I don’t think it is.
(laughs) - I picked her up.
She fell asleep in the car from six o’clock.
She probably woke up around 10 or 11.
I think she had something to eat. - I didn’t eat that night.
- Oh you didn’t eat after all?
- ‘Cause you guys had Carl’s Jr.
- Right, we had Carl’s Jr.
and then we threw it in the fridge for you. - Mm-hmm.
- You didn’t have a snack or anything?
He was one straight back to bed. - Yeah.
- And then she woke up.
I don’t know what time the next day,
but it was like, well let’s see if- - 10.
- 10?
- No.
- Maybe later.
I don’t know.
It was a long time.
I was, there was another time the other day where I let you sleep
and I was afraid to let you sleep any longer.
So I’m like, you’re gonna sleep the entire day away
that you’re not gonna sleep at night. - I remember one time I think I was sick
and I like slept the whole day. - Yeah, when you’re sick your body is going through it
and it- – No, but that- - You’d rest.
- But that day I was super sick.
It either I couldn’t sleep or I could sleep the whole day
and I couldn’t wake it up. - I have a question for you.
If you could interview anybody you wanted on a podcast,
who would it be? - It’s random.
I don’t know.
That’s like, I don’t know. - Who would you interview?
- Like, it’s what you famous?
- Okay.
- Well like-
- I figured that much.
- Well, yeah, but I don’t know.
- Like a singer?
Movie star?
TV actor? - Commercial actor you wanna like meet flow?
- Or a- – Or progressive?
- Like, who would you like, I don’t,
like, not even gonna be thinking. - Like just pick a genre, like music?
- Ooh.
- Singer, producer, rapper?
- A designer?
- I’m not into that stuff.
Like, I don’t know anybody who designed stuff. - Another brand, do I?
- Aero, I know that much.
- Which one?
- Aero.
- I don’t know, Aero.
- The brand, Air Possil.
- That’s the same thing?
- Yeah.
- Oh.
- The brand, I think.
- I know Air Possil, I don’t know, Aero.
- It’s soothing.
- Oh, I need that.
- You too.
(laughs) - Who would you interview?
- I don’t know.
I want to say like an actress obviously,
’cause like, that’s like the most interesting. - So it’d be a female actor, an actress,
just to see, make sure that’s what I’m hearing. - Yeah.
- Okay.
- Uh-oh.
- What’s the first actress that comes to mind?
- That’s the thing, I don’t know.
- Older, younger?
- No.
I don’t know.
I don’t know if he was actress younger than me. - Well, there’s, sure there are.
There’s lots of like Disney. - Although like, that I can interview.
- There’s like Disney actresses that you’ve met,
not met, but that you’ve, - Oh yeah, I heard you.
- You did meet one.
- Yeah.
- But there is, um,
what I was trying to say is that there are Disney actresses
that you grew up watching,
so they’re not gonna be that much older than you. - Yeah, that’s true.
- Like, supergonna carpenter?
You grew up watching her? - I did.
- Yeah, she was on that show, “Grow Meets World.”
- Yeah, um, she was,
a lot older than me. - Well.
- She was older than that show I was watching too.
- Well, she’s older than you,
but she’s not like,
like my generation old, I guess, - Oh, that’s old.
- Hey, don’t squint your eyes like that, bro.
- Don’t look.
- Like you just got punched in the stomach.
- That’s old.
- Really old.
I don’t know,
because I wasn’t gonna say like,
it’s like not really a person to get cast. - Okay, what’s the cast?
- Like from Gilmore Girls, I’m hooked on that.
- I haven’t seen Gilmore Girls.
- I’m like obsessed with it.
- Right?
- They’re older though, right?
- Her mom’s actually really young,
and so the movie’s old yet.
I mean, the show is really old, yeah, but,
the show’s really good.
I like it a lot.
I’m like, hooked on it no matter what.
That’s like all I watch right now. - Gilmore Girls is a number four search show.
- Really?
- Yes.
- I love it.
I favorite it. - It’s the most searched romance on streaming platforms.
- Romance, what a,
- Oh my guess, yeah, I guess.
- When did it, it came out in 2000?
- That’s about a long ago.
- 24 years ago?
- And so that one.
- That’s literally 50% greater than your age right now.
- And so that one.
- It’s double your age.
- It’s not that long ago.
- Okay, I’m glad you say that.
- No, I think that back.
(laughs) - ‘Cause back in my day.
- Back in my day.
- That’s something that, let’s see,
long time ago, I can’t do the math.
I’m not even gonna try. - But yeah, like that cast.
- So, how old are today?
It’s a cast.
What is it about? - Like this,
Gilmore girls is like, okay.
So Gilmore, Gilmore is their last name. - Okay.
- It’s like about the mom,
she had her daughter at 16.
So like, she’s still really young. - Kinda like Riva, isn’t it?
- No, it’s not, it’s different.
Like, I don’t know.
I don’t know why I like it so much, I do though. - So why, okay, would you just wanna interview this cast
because this is your current show? - Yeah, I like this a lot.
- It’s just like the first show that pops in your head.
- Or like Rory is like the daughter.
- Uh.
- Or ’cause like, okay, so basically, I just like,
it’s like funny, you know, I find it funny
because the way the mom acts and the daughter acts,
like their bond is like really, I like it. - The mom and the daughter?
- Yeah, they’re bond.
- What, so describe the bond?
- Or, okay, so I wanna interview, if I could,
Laura, I don’t know how to say it,
but that’s the mom, Rory, the daughter.
Also, okay, so Rory, her real name is Laura Lai, right?
‘Cause she named, okay, so the mom named her daughter
after her because she was thinking, okay, well, if boy, - Wait, wait, you said a real name,
but you’re talking about still names of the show. - What?
- Characters.
- Okay, so I wanna interview Laura Lai, Rory, and.
- This sounds good, but because I know you
and who you are in your personality,
this is only at the top of your brain
’cause you’re watching it right now.
And this is a new watch for you, right? - Yeah.
- So we’re gonna take the Gilmore Girls out of the equation.
- No, but like.
- No disrespect to the Gilmore Girls, I get it,
but I’m just saying, somebody before your current thing
that’s on your brain, who would you interview?
(laughs) - So you can’t think of anything.
(laughs) - I don’t know.
I’m not tired. - They have this thing where there’s a rapper
and you’ve already said you don’t know who this person is.
Would you rather have $10 million or 10 minutes with Jay-Z,
having a conversation with Jay-Z, something like that? - $10 million.
- Yeah, and so that’s like the obvious answer
in my brain, right?
‘Cause the thought process is, oh, you can sit down
with this mogul, right?
This billionaire, he is a billionaire. - Yeah.
- And he can teach you some stuff.
- Would he give me $1 billion?
- He’s not gonna give you $1 billion.
- So then why would I wanna talk to him?
Like, you’re wasting my time, buddy. - I mean, like, I can do a lot with $10 million.
- Yeah, I could be out shopping with that 10 million
rather than talking to you. - I would rather take that 10 million and flip it
to another 10 million, flip it to another 10 million
that your brain continues.
You know what I mean?
Like, that’s what I would do with the money.
I would definitely find ways to reinvest and spend it.
I always spend it by going shopping and eating.
Well, I would like have my own chef.
You know what I would do?
I would have somebody decorate my room for me.
I’d have people like Nina. - Yeah, people?
- Yeah.
I’m still trying to think of my interview
without who I would interview.
I’m gonna focus on that.
I’m meeting you about that all day. - You wanna think about that one?
There’s some people that I would definitely want to interview. - Yeah.
- Man, there’s so many.
So there’s a guy out there that I really admire.
He seems like a really cool dude.
His name is Gary Vee.
And some people may know this,
some people may not.
But he’s an entrepreneur, he’s a business guy.
And he started by slinging wine,
and he’s got all these different businesses.
And he’s also an influencer.
You can call him an influencer as well. - Yeah.
- But he just seems like a dude that’s constantly grinding.
Like he’s all about that hustle.
He’s a millionaire, but he still goes out
and does garage sales.
Just ’cause he likes to do it.
So I’ll go to a garage sale and he’ll buy stuff
and he’ll flip it for more money. - Really?
- It’s not that he needs the money.
He just likes to grind. - Yeah.
- And it’s funny ’cause that reminds me of me.
So before you were here,
and your mom and I were ready to get married,
I was on a fixed salary.
Do you know the salary is? - Salad?
- Not a salad.
A salary is something where you make the same amount
of money every week no matter how many hours you work. - Oh, okay.
- So in your regular world, right?
Your regular employee, non-salary employee I should say. - Ooh, I know who.
- They get paid per hour, right?
- Uh-huh.
- A salary employee can work 100 hours
and still get paid the exact same thing. - Yeah.
- Now they can work hardly any hours
and still get paid the exact same thing.
But the reality is they always work more hours
than they need to. - Yeah, I think I know who I would interview.
- All right, hold that thoughts.
Let me finish my thought and we’ll go back to yours.
So, because I was a salary employee
and your mom and I were getting ready,
well I was getting ready to marry your mom.
This is before she knew.
I had a buy ring. - I feel like I had a buy ring.
- Yeah, I had to put a ring on it, right?
I totally did.
For those that don’t know,
my wife pretty much gave up on me asking her to marry her.
Right, you heard her tell the story. - We were not married dating.
- No, we were dating the whole time.
She was giving up on me asking her to marry her
’cause 10 years that had already passed.
Why do your eyes get big like you don’t know that?
Your mom told us all the story all the time. - It was dating, not marrying.
You’re asking her to date. - Okay, so there’s two parts of the story
and we can save a lot of this for another episode
because that’s a whole thing.
But your mom did not want to go out with me
in the beginning. - Yeah.
- She just wanted to be friends.
And I obviously wanted to be more than friends. - Yeah.
- I wanted a relationship with her.
So I chased her for an entire summer. - Yeah, I shouldn’t like you stuff.
(laughs) - And then we got together.
We were in high school or high school sweethearts.
And then I want 10 years that passed
and your mom told me that she gave up
on me asking her to marry her.
Because so much time had passed. - Yeah.
- So again, we could talk about this in another episode.
But what I did,
so I come up with the money I needed
to get a ring and start preparing for this wedding
is I would do garage sales and yard sales
and estate sales
and I would do, I would sell things on eBay
and I would just find random things and sell it.
Do you remember that cash register I bought? - Yeah.
- Do you remember that thing?
- The old one.
- The really old one?
- Yeah.
- Yeah, so I was out with Dan
and we were basically picking,
looking for old stuff at garage sales.
And I found that thing for a hundred bucks.
I got a yard sale.
So I bought it to flip it and I never sold it. - Bro.
(laughing) - That’s nice though, it’s cool.
- It is really cool, all right?
It’s a Tiffany old cash register
that kind of like a new old Western saloon movies
worth like the flags back.
That’s not even back.
That’s way back in a day.
Or you hit the little button,
the flags come up, I’m positive, whatever.
Or you hit the button, the flags come up
and it was rusty and beat up and none of the buttons worked.
And I got it nice and shiny and fixed the buttons
and it looks really cool.
I haven’t completely finished a restoration
and this is a long time ago,
but my dream was always to bring it back into the house
and put it by the bar. - Really?
- Yeah, I don’t know where I would put it,
but that’s what I wanted to do. - Yeah.
- But anyways, so Gary Vee is a person
that would want to interview because the stuff
that he talks about about willing to grind
and make that money, I did that. - Yeah.
- So I kind of feel what he has to say,
he motivates me.
So who popped in your head? - It’s a cast.
- Again.
- Another cast, okay.
Is it Jake Paul? - I don’t know.
(laughs) - Is it the descendants?
- Ah.
- Oh my.
I would honestly. - Would you?
- I would.
But that’s not who I had in mind. - All right, who did you have in mind?
- I noticed cold.
What’s it called? - Um, we were talking about the earlier with Tepenga,
but the girl version. - Girl me Torell?
- Yeah.
That cast, girl me. - Why them?
- Because like, I loved that show.
- You know, I loved that show too.
- And it taught you like life lessons.
It was like a real family. - I really, really enjoyed that show.
- We watched it every day.
We could have taught you a life lesson. - And I was so disappointed when it got canceled.
Did you know I got canceled? - Really why?
- I had really low ratings.
- Why?
- That’s a great question.
I don’t know if you guys have watched Girl Meets World,
I love that show.
But for me, I had a lot of nostalgia
because it was the original cast of Boy Meets World. - Yeah.
- So I had the original, all the original cast was in the show.
- Yeah.
- And I thought that was awesome.
- Yeah.
- And it awesome made me feel really old
because now I’m watching a show that I watch as a kid
with my daughter at around the same age. - Yeah.
- Which is wild.
- Yeah.
- Like that cast.
- And what would you ask these cast?
- I don’t know.
I’d be like, okay.
So I obviously know that like people,
like the way they act in shows
and the way they actually act aren’t obviously the same.
But like I’d be curious because like,
the girl in Girl Meets World, right?
I don’t know her name. - Which girl?
The mom? - No.
- The two friends?
- The daughter.
- Yeah, the daughter.
- ‘Cause she’s the girl in Girl Meets World.
- Right.
- So like I would like,
’cause like in the movie, in the show,
like she’s super sweet.
And like, I’m like wondering like,
is that how she actually is in person, you know? - Yeah, there’s a lot to wonder about these people
and what they’re really like in the world world. - Yeah, because like that whole family,
like just that show in general, the whole cast.
Like, I don’t know what it was about it,
but like I just love that show. - So her name is Rowan Blanchard.
- The Accra Actual Name?
- Yeah, that’s her actual name,
Rowan Blanchard and she’s 23 years old. - Well, it’s her, um, show name.
- In the show name.
Oh, I had it right here.
I think it was, her name was Riley Matthews. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
- Riley Matthews, she also played in Spike Hids.
- Yeah, I don’t remember that, but.
And also Sabrina Carpenter was her best friend. - Her best friend in the show.
- Oh, okay.
- And there were total opposites.
- Okay, yeah.
So that’s another thing that I remember from that show
I loved is how they were best friends.
They were total opposites.
And like, they were always there for each other
no matter what, they always got in fights,
but like they always were,
and pretty sure they did. - Yeah, they got in the fights.
They were different. - Yeah.
- Especially when boys started coming in the world.
I remember that. - Yeah.
- And every episode, when they settled their problems
or just in general, they would have that little area.
It was like– - That little nook they would sit at, right?
- Yeah, I forgot what it was called.
- It was in front of, it was in her room
in front of that big window. - Yeah.
- It was like a ledge.
- Yeah, with like a little couch thingy there.
- Right.
- And I told my dad that when I’m older,
I’m gonna have that in my house. - Yeah, you know, one thing I regret about our house
is that I don’t have a loft.
You don’t have a loft is? - Yeah.
- I always wanted a loft.
- Really?
- Well, okay, I can’t say that.
I didn’t always want a loft.
I always wanted a two story house.
And now that I have a two story house,
I want a single story house.
But if I had another two story house,
I would want a loft.
(laughs) - No, but yeah, I wanted like that
’cause I don’t know what it was,
back to my watch the show,
and they took that, that would bring me to peace.
Like, it was like, oh, okay,
I’m gonna mold that. - Yeah, that was a pretty cool spot
to be able to work out your feelings, right? - Yeah, and like,
one time we had IKEA, right?
And like, there was like this dresser,
and it had like, I don’t know,
like, you know, like the changing,
the baby’s changing tables,
it has like the little,
Penny has it, it’s like the little,
real, so like she doesn’t fall off, right? - Right.
- It had that, right?
But it was like a chair basically from here.
I imagine like,
like, if I could push it over,
right there. - You saw that and you thought of that show?
- Yeah, and I was thinking, okay,
so maybe I can make this like my own. - But like, crazy custom thing you want,
probably still want for your room. - Yeah!
- Gigi had this crazy,
I don’t know what it was. - Wasn’t crazy.
- It’s, no, it’s crazy.
It’s some design that her brain came up
with at the age of 10 or 11,
and that she drew out herself. - It wasn’t crazy, it was just.
- But it had something like that, right?
- Yeah, it was.
- Yeah, in front of the window.
- Yeah, ’cause I was thinking that I could put that there,
put a bunch of cushions there and make it my own, right?
And my next live window,
and like I put my bed somewhere else. - Do you think actors or actresses
have a hard time remembering who they are? - Yeah, definitely.
- Do you?
- Yeah.
- That’s gotta be like, pretty difficult, right?
- Like, you’re building up this own person,
and then,
and then like,
when you’re out of the show,
you don’t know who you are,
’cause like,
you work,
so hard to become this person.
It’s like, okay,
so how I imagine it is like,
you’re working to become somebody different, right?
It’s like, build on yourself, right?
And then like,
you become that,
and like, that’s who you are. - Right, you immerse yourself as this different personality.
- Yeah.
- So you’re basically morphing into this new person.
- Yeah.
- And then some of these actors or actresses,
they go really deep into these characters,
and they’ll say like, never break character,
have you ever heard that?
What’s the term before? - I think so, yeah.
- It just means that, you know,
they’re always that person.
Even off the set,
they’re still that person.
And so they immerse themselves into this personality,
and they become these people.
And I wonder,
for some people like,
you know who Jim Carey is? - Yeah.
Oh, actually,
can I see something real quick?
Okay, of course.
You know the girl from “Grow Me Toward the Little One?” - Rylee.
- No,
little blonde girl with curly hair. - Oh, yeah, the one down the hall.
- Yeah, okay, so actually,
I saw her on TikTok one time, right?
And she was saying that to get that role,
she was trying to, like,
get this role for another girl, right?
But actually,
she got her own role because they loved the way she was,
like, the way she acted. - Oh, she didn’t even try out for it?
- Or she did, but…
- She wasn’t expecting it.
She thought the other girls didn’t get it. - No, okay.
So she was trying to get this certain role, right? - Oh, she was trying out for a different role.
- I think so, yeah.
- And she wound up getting that one.
- Okay, no, no, no.
So she was basically herself on the show.
That was her. - Right, and they said,
okay, your personality fits this character. - They made her own character, like…
- Oh, she wasn’t even gonna be a character at all.
- She was trying out for a character,
but then she ended up,
like, the end of making her, like, her own role. - Yeah, so that character wasn’t even written yet.
- Yeah.
- And they’re like, “No, we gotta have this person.”
- Yeah.
- Oh, that’s crazy.
- Yeah, I’m pretty sure.
It’s been a while since I saw that video,
but I’m pretty sure that was it.
And I was like, “Wow.” - Yeah, that is pretty cool.
- Yeah, I love your attitude too.
- Do you remember,
this has no connection to anything whatsoever,
but it’s just a thought,
’cause we just watched home alone.
We gotta get ready to wrap this up.
Do you remember that in the movie, Home Alone,
the scene where he says,
what does he say, “The old guy is shooting at the dude
“through the door?” - Yeah.
- He calls him a filthy animal,
or you’re filthy animal?
Did you know that scene is not really from a movie? - I believe that.
- Do you remember that?
You knew about this before. - Really?
- Yeah, so that scene,
’cause remember he’s watching a movie, right?
It’s a black and white movie.
And it looks like it’s the real deal.
That whole thing is written just for that movie. - Really?
- Yeah, it’s a fake scene.
Like you would think– - I knew it was in a real show.
I knew that even when I was told– - Did you know that?
- Ever since I was told that I’m pretty sure.
- Yeah.
I guess I never really thought of it by new, wasn’t it? - I mean, I always just assumed that was a cut
from another movie.
And they just put it in that show, in that movie.
I didn’t know that they made another little movie
within the movie, - Yeah, that’s cool.
- I thought that was pretty cool.
- Yeah, I feel like when I was a little,
I never really thought about that,
but I felt like it wasn’t an actual movie. - Smarter than me, ’cause I had no idea.
I had no idea, I thought that,
I didn’t know that was a thing they made just for that flick. - Yeah, that was cool.
- That was cool.
- Did you know that they have apparently,
and I guess this is a thing,
that for some movie,
you can go watch them with a live orchestra behind them? - You mean?
- So, remember how we watched,
Buddy the Elf, the play? - Yeah.
- You know they had a live orchestra playing,
like– – Yeah, they always do for all the plays. - Right, so underneath them,
there was a live orchestra like you saw– - No, yeah, I know.
- We saw real close,
you can see the conductor’s hand come out? - Yeah, last play we went to,
you could see it, like it wasn’t covered,
it was just like under– - You saw it?
- Yeah. – I see, I didn’t see them.
- No, it wasn’t my last play I went to before that.
- What played you go to before that?
- Last year? – The music man, yeah.
- Oh, you could actually see them.
- Yeah, like if you like go over,
you like tiptoe a little big and see it. - Yeah, yeah, okay, which is cool.
So I guess they do that for a live,
for like the whole play a movie.
So Antiethina found one where it was back to the future. - Yeah.
- And so they’re playing all the music
for back to the future in the movie,
but they’re the band. - That’s cool.
- So there’s like a,
the movie’s playing, it’s like a projector,
like a drive in,
or maybe a movie theater have no idea.
But there’s an actual band playing all the music
for the movie. - That’s cool. – Isn’t that cool?
- Yeah. – I wanna see that really bad.
I guess they used to do that for home alone
somewhere in San Francisco,
but I guess when COVID hit it went away. - Yeah.
- So I’m kinda disappointed
’cause I definitely wanna see that.
But they have one for back to the future
and they have other movies against it do that for too. - That’s cool.
- Is that something that she would be interested in watching?
- I think so, yeah.
- Or is it just like whatevs?
- It’s a little bit in between.
- Yeah.
- See that, that makes me wonder right?
When back to the narrative of our show,
is that am I at that point in age
where things like that are interesting to me now? - Yeah.
I mean, it seems like just a movie
just with like a little bit of a lot of sound. - Yeah, but it’s like, I don’t know,
I guess there’s a different level of appreciation, right?
‘Cause they’re actually playing this music live. - Yeah, but like for me, it’s more just like,
okay, well, it’s still a movie, but like, you know. - It’s, yeah, I get it.
You’re gonna turn up the music at home,
right? – Yeah. - Turn on the surround sound.
- Yeah. – It’s like the same thing.
- Yeah.
- So yeah, and I’m pretty sure at your age
I wouldn’t have been interested in that either.
When I was your age, I was playing video games like,
called Twisted Metal and all these other games
on PlayStation. - Mm. (laughs)
- I definitely would have been like,
oh yeah, let’s go watch an orchestra. - Like, no, thank you.
- There is, however, one, it’s probably too late now,
but there is an orchestra I do wanna watch one year,
and they play in Sacramento,
and they play all Christmas music,
in Christmas rock music,
and it’s part of a laser show. - Oh, it’d be cool.
- Yeah, so that’s always been interesting to me.
I’ve always wanted to watch that one. - Yeah, that would be cool.
- So maybe we can check that out.
- Yeah.
(laughs) - She’s already– – She’s falling asleep.
All right, guys, as always, if you’ve made it this far,
we appreciate you. - Congrats.
- Congratulations.
- Congratulations.
- If Gigi didn’t bore you to death.
- Me?
- As she normally does every–
- I’m just listening to him half asleep when I’m like, huh?
Oh yeah, I agree.
Politics, yeah, sure. - All right, we didn’t go down politics.
- Oh, I don’t remember.
- Make sure you’re following us on one of our platforms.
- We don’t have to if you don’t want to.
I encourage you that. - Right, right, well, we’re not begging you.
We would never beg you to follow us, but if you want to– - You should. – You should, right?
‘Cause we have millions and millions and millions of followers.
So make sure you’re one of them.
All right, guys, well, I hope you have a fantastic Thanksgiving. - Yeah.
- I hope–
- You grow a big back.
- I hope you big back it out.
Just the way you’ve always dreamed of. - Yeah.
- Sweat pants are necessary for Thanksgiving.
Give yourself lots of room.
Don’t forget to take your aunt to go bags. - Brrr.
(laughs) - Oh, and don’t forget to take something
if you’re going somewhere. - Yeah.
- Don’t be that person.
Unless you’re coming over to our house. - Yeah.
- We’ll only talk about you behind your back.
We promise. - Bro.
- I’m just kidding.
- We’re not.
- Or are we?
- Or are we?
- All right, guys.
We will talk to you soon. - Good night.
- Or not good night.
- Good morning.
Good afternoon. - Yeah.
- We hope you have a great day.
- Yeah.
- Bye.
- Bye.
- Bye.
- All you want of the last one, huh?
- Yeah.
- All right, go have one more.
(upbeat music)
♪ You ain’t always bad ♪
♪ You ain’t always bad ♪
♪ Since Gigi ♪
♪ The brave young girl ♪
♪ Ready to explore the world ♪
♪ He’s at the… ♪
♪ With stories to tell ♪
♪ Ready to unfold it all ♪
♪ What makes them different ♪
♪ What makes them the same ♪
♪ Welcome to New York, oh again ♪
♪ The perfect show if you wanna learn ♪
♪ About the world inside of her head ♪
♪ Different perspectives in the same home ♪
♪ Talkin’ about life lessons and growth ♪
♪ Is it new fun to explore it all ♪
♪ You ain’t always bad ♪
♪ You ain’t always bad ♪
♪ From father to daughter ♪
♪ To father ♪
♪ Get ready for the chatter ♪
♪ Get ready for the love to ♪
♪ What makes them different ♪
♪ What makes them the same ♪
♪ Welcome to New York, oh again ♪
♪ The perfect show if you wanna learn ♪
♪ About the world inside of her head ♪
♪ Different perspectives in the same home ♪
♪ Talkin’ about life lessons and growth ♪
♪ Is it new fun to explore it all ♪
(upbeat music)
♪ Welcome to New York, oh again ♪
♪ The perfect show if you wanna learn ♪
♪ About the world inside of her head ♪
♪ Different perspectives in the same home ♪
♪ Talkin’ about life lessons and growth ♪
♪ Is it new fun to explore it all ♪
♪ You ain’t always bad ♪
♪ From father to daughter ♪
♪ The perfect show if you wanna learn ♪
♪ About the world inside of her head ♪
♪ Different perspectives in the same home ♪
♪ Talkin’ about life lessons and growth ♪
♪ Is it new fun to explore it all ♪
(upbeat music)
♪ Here we go again ♪
Here we go again
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